Posts in Latest

Sales Are Up For Craft Brewers

February 24, 2009 by Latest, News

Americans may be cutting back their expenses to weather the turbulent economy, but they’re still drinking craft beer. As sales of many products are tanking, craft beer makers are seeing slow, but still-strong sales increases as they outperform the rest

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Anheuser-Busch Drops “Born On” Date

February 13, 2009 by Latest, News

According to, Anheuser-Busch is changing the way they view a beer’s shelf life. In the past, If an A-B brand beer went 110 days without selling, A-B crews would sweep into bars and restaurants, hand the retailer a check

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Newsflash! Budweiser Clydsdales to Save the Economy!

December 6, 2008 by Latest, News

From Steve Hall at AdRants: This just in. Anheuser-Busch Chief Creative Officer Bob Lachky has announced the Budweiser Clydesdales will save the economy by appearing in Super Bowl XLIII. Yes, Lachky says, The Clydesdales will “reinforce, in a positive way and especially at

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From Brian’s Belly

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